Starting My Journey of Building my Online Business
Hi! Welcome to my blog.
My name is Yvonne Wallin. I’m documenting my journey into starting and growing my online business.
I’ve just started with learning how to setup a blog again and creating content. Content Creation has been something that has been holding me back from restarting my blog and online business. I started a blog 4 years ago and let life events get in the way and did not stay consistent.
In the last year I’ve been learning from many online business owners. One thing I’ve heard from a number of them….is that you do not need to be an absolute expert to start your business………
You just have to be learning and growing and provide valuable content that others can learn from. Keep learning and those wanting to start their businesses after you will be able to learn from you.
My goal to start off is to make at least one new post every week by Monday morning of what I’ve learned in the process of building my business in areas of mindset, motivation, procedures I’ve tried, sharing successes as well as failures.
I’ve given myself a helping hand by getting coaching and extra training by working with Internet Profits and having Dean Holland and the team there to support me.
If you’re interested in following my journey I’d love to see you stop by each week and please drop a comment to share any thoughts you have.
I’m really excited to make this happen.
Thanks for reading!