Being Clear on Your Message and Who You can Help

Be Clear on Your Message and Who You can Help


This past week I attended the free challenge from Pete Vargus and Pat Quinn with Advance Your Reach.

The topic was Your Message Matters.

Income vs. Impact

They started with a very important clarification, asking which is more important…..

INCOME    or      IMPACT

Many people selected one or the other. Which would you choose?

Can enough people be reached in make enough IMPACT without the INCOME to support the process to keep going?


Clarify Your Message

Narrow Your NIche…..

What problem have you solved for yourself or someone else that you can share with others and save them time, money, and/or energy?

Who are you serving?  What group of people? 

Have 20 conversations with potential clients to clarify the problem from their view point and who  you want to serve.

The narrower you can get your Niche, the faster you can grow your business and earn revenue to impact more people.


What are Your Stories

Your story is not about you anymore…it is about those you can help in the future.

In the challenge, they taught about episodic story telling.

       Episodic Story Telling is creating a great scene people can visualize.    Using Major pivots that created major change.

A 2 minute story that has 3 parts.

  1. Before.   45 seconds
  2. Pivot       30 seconds
  3. After       45 seconds

Find an Ordinary story where you made a Change in your business or your life.

Ordinary is what other people connect with. They can say, ‘Yeah, Me Too.’  ‘That happened to me too.’ ‘You understand me.’

The Pivot or Change that took place should have taken place over a year’s time… you can show others how you can save them that time.

Some ideas of how pivots are implemented to help others:

  • Combined expertise from 2 separate areas.
  • Looked everywhere for a solution but could not find it….so I made one.
  • Take something learned someplace else to help in another area.

After is the results of what that Pivot.

You can have a main story for your business and different stories for each problem you solve and/or each audience you serve.  Something relatable to that problem or audience.

When giving a presentation, your story should not still be going in the middle of the presentation.  It should be very short in the beginning.  However, your Story with heart, to get their attention, is the most important part of your presentation.

Most of the rest of the presentation is about giving value.  What simple part of your solution can  you provide for the audience to implement?

Do not try to be perfect in your presentation, just try to be better for each presentation you give.



Talk in your audience’s language.

Most people looking for a solution will not be familiar with the language of the solution.

Is the person frazzles, exhausted, overwhelmed, wanting to start a business and not sure where to start?

If teaching Mindset, don’t use the term Mindset in stories or language to introduce yourself to audience.  Most people not familiar with that term.


Other Challenge Topics

They also covered other topics in the challenge which included, scaling your business, sales and marking, other people’s stages, and creating your own virtual stage.


I will post future posts about some of those topics.

Thanks for reading!
