How do you handle getting pulled off course?
How do you handle getting pulled off course?
- Beat yourself up?
- Give up?
- Fall back on old habits?
Last month, I somehow inadvertently injured my back last month while working here on the farm, though I didn’t realize it until after a couple days of nausea, persistent headaches, and not being able to sleep.
Getting through each day seemed exhausting….so trying to be creative in writing a blog post kept getting pushed off the schedule.
This threw my routine off as I focused on recovery.
It can be easy to let old habits take hold.
This week I am recommitting to my weekly schedule of blocks of time for my business, working mostly on networking in Facebook and setting this quarter’s goals for ending 2020.
When we are sidetracked, one of the best things to do is evaluate what happened and find the resolve to recommit to getting back on track and making progress.
AND Forgive Yourself, don’t get into the negative thought patterns that will keep you sidetracked and distracted.
Life it too short and people need to hear from you.
What steps do you need to take this week to stay on course?