Organic Traffic – Takes Time, Energy, and Mindset

Organic Traffic – Takes Time, Energy, and Mindset

Many people, like me, when first starting their business, may have limited funds to put into marketing and advertising.  If you are in this place, how do you find your ideal customers?  The quickest ways can cost hundreds of dollars. Using Solo Ads, Facebook ads, Google ad, etc. The slower way is Organic traffic.

The last two weeks I’ve been introduced to the concept of organic traffic via Facebook via a coaching session in Internet Profits and also from a lesson in another course I have, by Rachel Miller, CEO of Moolah Marketing.  I’ve started implementing this process which will happen as quickly as you have time to put into it. It does take a couple weeks to get rolling.

As I work with this more I will share my results and the process that I implemented with what did and did not work for me.

I’ve had a stall out period during the process of implementing as the concept is relationship building mostly with people you don’t know. I am basically an introvert who has trained myself to be an extrovert in some areas of my life. I have to have a mindset readjustment to be able to start reaching out to people I don’t know and commenting and answering questions people ask in various Facebook groups I’ve joined as the beginning of this process.

It is amazing what can cause a holdup. The smallest thing cause a small hiccup or large stumbling block depending on how long it you to address it so you can move forward.  What is going to be your holdup? Are you anticipating it or ready for it?  Have you surrounded yourself with the write people that can help you refocus or give the right encouragement or motivation and ask you the right questions? You have the answers, you just need to know how to find them.

It is so easy to let busywork take over when trying to avoid doing something ‘scary’. That is what I let myself do…..oh, I got to listen to this audio and this video and catch up on this work….all of a sudden, I did not get the needle movers of my business done.  I learned stuff, yes, but I did not make progress in bringing traffic to my blog or affiliate links.

So. Going to refocus the next two weeks.  Next week’s blog will be about Tony Robbins Virtual Unleash the Power Within weekend my mom and I are attending from home. Last time I attending one live was almost 25 years ago. Looking forward to some breakthroughs from this coming weekend.

Will also update on the progress made with Facebook Organic Traffic process next week as well.

Thanks for stopping by
